

A heavy blanket of quiet lays over my home and surroundings

Silent rain dribbles down the window

Soft breeze stirs the trees

Foggy mist covers the landscape

Everything is hushed, muted, softened

Like the patient waiting of a meditating mystic

The haunting prayer of a mourning dove

It is a silence that is pregnant with waiting wisdom

New thoughts, new hopes, new ideas

Incubating in a womb of gentle calming peace

Nothing demands attention

Everything rests in simple Beingness

Abiding as Time stands still

It is a perfect day for curling up with a good book and letting all ‘do-lists’ and agendas drop away until the world wakes up once again.



What is it my cat sees

That I cannot

When, suddenly, he looks up,

Leaps and reaches high

It cannot be stars for we are inside

Perhaps an angel passed through the room

Or, are the fairies playing tricks?

I envy my cat for that

I would like to play, too,

With the angels and fairies.

~KW   8/26/2016


Minute by minute

Day by day

Year by year

Life goes by

And when I remember

Three significant moments

They are morphed together

As one big significant event

But did they really all happen then?

All at once?

In that sequence?

Within one year?

Perhaps they were years apart

Or in three different life times…

~KW 9/7/2016

About Manywoman

I am an eclectic artist and writer, retired from a 35-year career as a PhD sex therapist and counselor at the University of MN Medical School, Program in Human Sexuality. Since retiring in 2005, I have devoted myself to hobbies and pursuits in various art forms and in writing. My art and writing both tend to focus on subjects of women's spirituality and occult mysteries, I read voraciously in most genres, but mainly Occult and urban fantasy, historical fiction, and non-fiction alternative history and religions from female perspective. In addition I am a lover of cats, with five at home with me; an avid collector of fashion dolls; a sewer and creator of art quilts and other fiber arts; a hap-hazard flower gardener; and a retired professional astrologer.
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  1. Seabloom, Mary E HHHH says:

    Hi, Karin –

    Your cat poem makes me think about a good friend of mine whose daughter, Claire, was in John Louis’ class & a friend of his. She was very close to her cat and, tragically, died of cancer at age 18 four years ago. Her Mom has the very strong awareness that Claire is still present for her cat, that they play and connect even still.

    Could I share your poem with her?
    I think it would resonate.



  2. Manywoman says:

    Of course, Mary! I feel happy to think my little ditty could give someone special meaning. I feel so moved by your friend’s story… a bit teary… but then, that’s my mood a lot these days…so much pain in the world! You and yours are in my thoughts a lot so it is always a pleasure to hear from you. ~Karin


  3. sundog3 says:

    These musings are so lovely, haunting, and thought-provoking. We have been so busy and tired my dear but think of you often and our visit. Love you.


  4. Manywoman says:

    Thank you so much my dears! Please don’t wear yourselves out with all the many obligations you have taken on!! I worry about you both! But then, I worry about a lot these days…Just keep in touch! Love you ~K


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